Waking Up With Robert Plant? Who, ME?

When I was a young "whipper snapper", I used to have dreams of me - (real dreams, during the night, not daydreams) - being the "best girlfriend" of my favorite teen idols. I was madly in love with - once - Donny Osmond, David Cassidy, and almost any guy on General Hospital who was in the 80s era; and then, later in life, George Clooney.

As a ten year old, I dreamt of driving in a Barbie-sized convertible - (we were also Barbie-sized - HEY, IT WAS A DREAM!) - and Donny smiled that BIG, Osmond smile, and I felt his "Puppy Love", and all was right with the world.

With David Cassidy, he was singing "I Think I Love You" to me, and I just glowed.

No one caught my eye after that, that I can remember, (except for the whole General Hospital/Rick Springfield/Luke and Laura stuff of the 1980s).

Then came the dashing George Clooney. Ahh, that "ER" smile - that sexy "come hither" look he had....

Now, at 45, no one has "floated my boat" until I laid eyes on the actor Dermot Mulroney. I'd seen him many times in the movies - (I'm a movie buff) - but he just caught my attention a few years ago - to the point where I was saying to myself, "Oh, God, a cute, dark-haired, muscular Irish guy! Sign me up in his fan club! What a bod on that guy! Am I actually DROOLING?"

I was once a dark-haired Irish chick, but since genetics took over at 22, Miss Clairol does my hair.

I have always liked dark-haired guys; blonde guys are "cute", but I've done better with brunettes.

(Wait; nevermind.)

So, I believe in another recent blog, I mentioned that I wanted to have a dream - a good dream - of a "dream guy" like I used to have when I was ten.

Well, the other day, I woke up with Robert Plant.

Yes, the Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin fame.

No, I never dreamed of him before.

He was not my IDOL. I was the oldest kid in my family; I was not "with it" enough to know about Led Zeppelin; I loved disco and Van Halen. (Yes, I am admitting to disco. SO KILL ME.)

So, how did I dream about Robert Plant? A BLONDE?

I have no idea.

I've seen the films recently (in the last ten years on some channel - maybe MTV?) of Led Zeppelin and what a big deal they were in Rock and Roll. (DUH!) There was Robert, sexy, in his bare chest and jeans, long hair flowing.

Somehow, I never yearned for Robert Plant. I mean, he was sexy, but heck, I'm a dark-haired, "men-in-uniform" kind of gal. (Sorry, Robert. I'm sure you didn't miss me, what with all the groupies you had. NO LOSS THERE).

So, I asked to have a dream where I woke up with a "sexy guy". WATCH WHAT YOU ASK FOR.

I got Robert Plant!

Not bad!

My dream of Robert was not the Robert Plant of the 1970s, but the Robert Plant of NOW. The Robert Plant who did and album with Allison Krauss. (By the way, I love Alison Krauss. See also:

http://robertplantalisonkrauss.com/site.php and if you have never seen the movie "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" - you MUST. See http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0190590/).

So, the ME at 45 woke up with the ROBERT PLANT of whatever age he is TODAY.

How lucky is that?

Hey, he's still a good-looking man.

But, he's not my type, and he's also a blonde. (No offense, blondes; but we brunettes stick together. Who ever sees two brown-haired people together in beach movies? They are ALL blonde-bombshell-tanned people together. I am dark-haired and freckled. Appealing....).

Where was Dermot Mulroney, late of divorce from his wife, excellent actress Catherine Keener (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001416/)?

Robert Plant? NOW?

AND I was 45 in my dream, not 18.


Was I specific? NO. I asked for a SEXY GUY. I got a sexy guy.

No offense, Robert. You are a sexy guy, still.

I just like brunettes, and, heck, if it's MY dream, don't I get to decide who I wake up with, and what age I WISH I WERE when I dreamt it?

I guess like everything else, I should be grateful. Grateful that even in a dream, the Robert Plant of NOW (handsome) woke up with the ME of today.

Usually, it's a one-eyed Irish Red and White Setter named Cowboy. He smells; but he loves me.

That's another blog.



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