Life Lessons in Sticky Situations
Maureen's "learning through mistakes" session - TAKE TWO.
FYI - These little articles have this statement attached: Through trial and error I have learned a few nifty things in my lifetime. Some things are "growth" (psycho-babble) issues, some just plain old, every-day try and fail common sense stuff.
I'd like to share one of those very important things with you now. This will fall under the "common sense" arena of "things learned." It is my hope to help womankind by sharing my ridiculous errors with you so you will not have to suffer the same fate that I do (on a daily basis).
Category 2: SUPER GLUE
Action: NEVER - and I mean NEVER - (if you are ME) open a brand new Crazy Glue container, ever! I mean, I just CAN'T use it!
Result: Skin on first two fingers and thumb of left hand glued to fingernails FOR LIFE.
Black tile top counter now encased in sheen of glue that won't come off.
Ridiculosity (My new word) scale - (on a scale of 1-4 as follows):
1 = Dumb, and completely understandable mistake
2 = Idiotic
3 = Get a grip!
4 = Utterly moronic and ridiculous - you should have known better!
THIS stunt earns me a 4 and a left hand with chunks of glue hanging on to the skin for dear life.
(I'd say it earns me a 3 to be funny, but really, I already have more of a "grip" than I need, wouldn't you say?)...
As I was standing there, realizing that I once again ignored my gut instinct and used this product anyway, I said to my kids in disbelief, "DO NOT COME IN TO THIS KITCHEN! STAY AWAY! THERE IS GLUE EVERYWHERE, AND MOMMY JUST GLUED HER HANDS TOGETHER!"
Son: "Really, Mom? That is cool! Can I see?"
Daughter: "Did you fix my pen? Can I have it back?"
No, nail polish does not work to remove this stuff from the skin.
Is it just me, or does this happen to everyone?
Just sharing.