What Came First, The Chicken or My Ignorance?


I have a friend who has reached her goal, at 40-something of going to college for the first time. She recently earned her Associate of Arts Degree (Bravo, Susan!), and is a single mom, starting a new life with her daughter. I am so proud of her accomplishment. I am. But her going to college has ruined my life.
During her studies, Susan subjected me to the daily class drama, how she was the "old fart" in the class, and I happily became an audience for slideshows and speeches she had to present in class. I was her cheerleader and "previewer", if you will. I learned a lot from Susan's last semester of college. More than I should have. Susan also learned more than she wanted to.
One of Susan's classes in her final semester was on Globalism. I don't even know what the hell that is.
But I know this: I learned WAAAAYYY too much about things I should already have learned but didn't really want to know, as it turns out.
Like, about GMO foods.
And how slaughterhouses kill chickens, cattle, etc.
And what kinds of chocolate not to eat because if you eat a certain brand, know that children are taken from their parents and enslaved in the cocoa plants, (and other insane crap like that), in order for me to have a quick fix at the check-out counter.
I learned about how Monsanto produces Genetically Modified foods, and it's really too over my head, (I need the class), but all I know is, after being Susan's guinea pig, I have become "aware" of the grossness of our American food and why, even though the food I eat tastes really good, my not knowing what the animals have been put through to get to my plate has made me ignorant. And ignorance is bliss, right? (My mother always used that saying as a way to get out of stuff.)
Well, I can't claim that ignorance any more. But I don't really want to know any more, because I am afraid that if I know the truth about all our food, I'll surely have to say goodbye to my Peanut butter and Fluff sandwiches, and will only be able to grow my own veggies and eat them, and really, I'm too damn tired to do that, and I won't have anything to drink that isn't laden with chemicals.
All I can say is, after the little bit I learned, after watching Oprah's Vegan show and the "good" meat processing plant, and seeing the YouTube video posted above about mutilated baby chicks, (the males, chopped up like hamburger while alive because they don't produce eggs), has made me decide that I need to run to Borders books - because I have a gift card - and buy a Vegan cookbook.  Because,  seriously, if I'm a person who won't eat a crawfish because I've seen the water in Louisiana where they come from, how the hell can I eat chicken knowing how they are treated so I can have an egg?

I wish we were back in the old days, when there was no Internet, no 24 hour news channels, and we only got three channels on TV and the Jerry Lewis Telethon ruined my whole weekend of cartoons one weekend a year. Then I wouldn't have "TOO MUCH INFORMATION." Then I could claim ignorance in not knowing about all the horrible things that really happen outside my little, boring, suburban life. (This is exactly why I never watch Reality TV. I don't want to know about the Real Housewives of Jersey, Stupid Bachelors and the the dumb chicks they propose to, and Dancing with the "B" list stars. I want to live in LA LA land, where I could have a meal and not feel like crap about it, and life would be good.)
But no, thanks to Susan, my years of ignorant bliss are over. She had to be my friend, get educated, and share it with me. Thanks a bunch!
If any of my other friends want to go to college and learn stuff, stay the hell away from me, because I can't handle any more truth - unless you are learning to be a massage therapist, and need someone to practice on - then give me a call. Otherwise, stop "feeding" me truths about the real world that the real me can't handle!

(This will, by the way, be my only political statement on my blog. I hate politics, and I hate being serious. I really, really, do. Life is so much more fun when you are dumb.)*


* And, I will also say, that I know there are honest and ethical farmers out there, so I'm not saying EVERYONE is criminally negligent, just lots of them are. Ain't awareness cool?)


PhyllBeach said…
i agree ignorance is bliss, but with small kids, it is a great time to take little steps to eat healthy. BTW, you shouldn't worry too much about your Peanut butter and fluff addiction. Though probably more humane without the eggs in fluff. Find a farmer's market near you and at least you can probably get organic veggies. Most big grocery stores have health food sections now. We now are able to buy our beef and free range eggs from local farmers. I know all this is the LAST thing you want to have to deal with, but it actually taste better knowing it's origins. Oh, and don't even think of growing your own veggies. It is NOT worth the effort!! Trust me on that. Been there done that many times.
Maureen said…
So, my brother leaves me a FaceBook wall post: "Hey Mo, I just read your blog. Now I'm on my way to have a chicken sandwich!" LOL! Little brothers...can't live with em, can't chop their beaks off!
Jennifer said…
I could not watch the video. I agree w/ ignorance is bliss. I do "try" to buy organice/cage free/ no hormones/ meat.

You are such a funny talented writer, I truly do love your blog.....what's going on w/ the other one? Am I missing your post?

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