Dear Lord, Va Va Va Voom! Rescue Me, Please!

This is something I wrote a while back; it's been updated. Hope you like it.

Dear God,

Please help me. I have sinned.

My daughter had an asthma attack last night which could not be relieved with medicine. She was struggling for breath, so I called 9-1-1. (You already know this, though, God. I'm just typing this for the benefit of sharing this prayer with the readers).

I remained calm, (as you already know). The fire truck arrived with three firemen, clad in dark blue uniforms. They were professional, calm, reassuring and helpful. (Thank you for Firefighters, Lord).

They didn't have to do anything: as if a miracle occurred, the second they came in, my toddler caught her breath, and was fine! (Thank you, Lord).

I, however, lost my breath, as, when I calmed down and realized my daughter would be just fine, I looked across the room at the firefighter to my right, and hoped I was not drooling from my jaw that was hanging on the floor.

Dear God, he was the most ruggedly handsome and good looking man I had seen, well, in my whole life. (Praise Jesus!)

Wow, and the other two, handsome as well! (Triple Praise Jesus!)

Should I be thinking these lustful thoughts, Father, whilst my daughter was recovering from a breathing (or should I say "non-breathing") incident?

I felt foolish, Lord. It was like I had prank-called them: "Oh she's not breathing well and this has never happened like this before." Was this true? Yes! But like the car you take to the shop because it's "making a strange noise" and you get there and you can't actually reproduce the "strange noise" for the mechanic, that's what my toddler did. She miraculously breathed and was in no distress when they got here. She sat looking at them, like, "Who are you guys?" Even though I felt ridiculous, Lord, the men-in-blue reassured me that I did do the right thing and that they were happy for the outcome. They assisted me with making the correct decision to take an ambulance trip to the ER. They carried my purse, my kids, my car seats. (Angels, Lord, Angels on earth)!

Yes, God, I was worried for my daughter. Yes, God, I did the right thing by calling 9-1-1. Miraculously, my toddler was fine, (Thank You, Lord).

But God, my sin is that today, after having gone to the ER just to be safe, and coming home healthy and happy, I wish I'd break my foot falling off the step stool, or become "faint" and have to call 9-1-1! I am wishing myself harm, Father, because I just need to see if that fireman that sat on my wicker chair in my house was really real, not some mirage or angel from heaven, sent to let me know: "You may be 47, you may be tired, but you sure ain't dead, honey!"

Is it right, Lord, that in moments like this I get dumbstruck by a handsome man when I should really be worried that my little "pee-pee-pull-up" baby might not be breathing? (Oh heck, Lord, she was fine, really. Hey, I don't have to tell You that, You already know!)

Oh, Lord, I am grateful that my daughter is fine. I am grateful that there are such wonderful people who devote themselves to helping others.

I was just wondering, though, Lord, could you just send them back, maybe, not for a MAJOR injury with lots of pain and death, but how about for a broken toe, or something little? I need a little pick-me-up. As you know, Lord, my life is a bit "crazy" now. Please, please, please, send me that Engine crew just one more time. If you don't want to do that Lord, or it's not in your plans, can I just drive by the fire truck, parked in a store parking lot or something and just take a peek?

I do know, by the way, Lord, that all those guys were married, so really, I have no ill intentions. I just want to see him one more time to make sure he was real...I mean, if you are making men that look like THAT, wow! You're doing a GREAT Job! Keep up the good work!

Wait! I've got it! Is it possible there maybe is a charity calendar floating around of scantily-clad local firemen? If there is, would it be too much of a sinful thing if I purchased it? (I mean, it would be for charity). If this is a problem, Lord, I'm willing to say a few extra rosaries or stay a little bit longer in purgatory if need be. (Oh, darn, I'm a lapsed-Catholic. But, don't good intentions still count?) Everything's a trade-off, right, Lord?

Well, that's all for now.

Thanks for listening.



james geczik said…
maureen, well i have been having a few moments with the creator myself which I shall be calling u about very soon ! but as far as the firemen he assures me that a calender is OK ,just as long as u give me one! So thats about it from east of eden, and oh by the way , you and me are going to be pritty busy this upcoming 6mo or so so stand by for a call very soon as this "journey of life" starts moving along like u would not ever believe it could. just remenber one thing ,your imagination as a child came from somewhere and thats were we are all going back to cell 386-682-7319 leave the best number to reach u because i seen to have lost numbers cgjimmy

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