Still Cranky After All These Years

 So, here I am. Back again. Like a bad penny.

My last blogpost was written in April of 2014. That was eight years ago. So much life has happened since I wrote that last post. Why start again? Well, various friends have asked over the years, but I was not ready. I originally started this blog as a way to "Let off steam" as it were, while trying to survive a heinous divorce/custody battle. I couldn't say anything bad about my at-the-time husband, but I could try to find comedy in my daily life so that the last thing I wanted to do was to think about that SOB. So, I made fun of myself. While going through custody battles and courtrooms, and while learning to to be single again, I found ways to poke fun at myself. Most of these posts were not written well, and I'm not promising anything well-written now. I think this is mainly for me, but if you get any enjoyment out of it, even at my expense, I'll have succeeded. 

A quick glance at the blog itself shows that I've removed lots of the photos that go with the previous posts. I don't even know if I still have them. If I do, I'm not going to post them unless they fall into my lap. I don't have time for archival footage. My life has been nothing short of a bad dream at times, and I certainly don't want to watch the reruns of that.

So, why not start a new blog with a new name? Well, I'd have to design a new blog space. Then I'd have to be creative. Then my friends might say, "Why not 'Cranky Chronicles?' That's what we like!"  I'm usually quite a disappointment to myself, but for my friends, I'll try to be more kind and predictable. So, I'll stick with "Cranky Chronicles." If you don't like it, please feel free to hop over to something else you might find cool, like Fox News or Thousand Pound Sisters. IDGAF. I'm doing this for me. "Genuine" and "Unapologetic" is the new motto I'm living by. 

Where have I been? 

Divorced. In Washington state. In the horrific family court system. In the horrendous misty, dark rain that the Pacific Northwest is known for. Oh, yes, it's a beautiful, green place. I was there for 12 dark years, and during THE PANDEMIC, I moved home to Connecticut. The place I was born, raised, and the place where I made most of my mistakes (save the biggest one, that marriage, which happened during a horrific hangover in Lake Tahoe.) 

I'll talk more about that, but I want to say "Welcome" to my blog. 

What is new? What do I have to say? Possibly a whole-lot-of-nothing. But, if it makes you laugh, and mostly, if it makes me feel better, then I'm calling it a success.

In this blog, I'm going to discuss life as I see it, and I wear really thick glasses, so not everything is clear, but I do try squinting and sometimes it works.

What has prompted my return to trying to write? Well, breast cancer, for one; my impending 58th birthday which is happening in about eight days for another, and, well, the realization that my heart has been broken in a few different ways, and I have shit to say about that. 

Briefly, I want to say, as an introduction, that over these past eight years of not blogging, you've been spared my opinions, so you ought to be grateful for that. But also, I've grown up a bit. I've struggled, suffered, lost part of a boob due to Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, and now, as a gift of cancer, I never have to shave my left armpit hairs again because radiation therapy kills the hair follicles in your armpits. Who knew? I think this is a "thing" that needs to be out there - in the public. I think, having had my eyebrows waxed a few times in my life, that this radiation therapy could be an easier softer way for all you brave ladies who chose to suffer through Brazilian waxes to rid yourself of unsightly pubic hair. I mean, do this a few times and you never have to do it again! I believe it might be a bit easier than that candle wax and tape that's all the rage now. This is all just my opinion, but you could not pay me any amount of money to have a Brazilian wax. I'd rather have another chunk taken out of my breast. As least I was under sedation for that stuff. 

Aside from losing 1/4 of a boob, I lost my house, my kids, my good name, and my serenity to the Washington family court system, and I didn't once drink over that. That's saying something. (Stick around for those highlights).

So please follow me, as I fumble through this reprise of this blog. Remember, you've been given free will, so you absolutely don't have to click on the link at all, and you won't, if you know what's good for you.

I apologize in advance for anything I say following this sentence from here on in. Keep your expectations low and you will not be disappointed in the least.



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