The Men of the Benches....

Who are the men who sit on benches while their wives shop, and how did they end up that way?
I have not yet known a man under 60 to sit on a bench while their wife shops - and this is done "willingly" (or so I hear) by the women who drag them into hell and back.
I think you have to be over 60 to have enough patience to just "follow" or, just have the "I don't give a sh*t" attitude. At 40 my hubby would never wait at TJ Maxx for me...he'd go off to Lowe's or Home Depot instead - heck, my kids hate anything that isn't Toys R Us.
I really admire these men. It is like they hate shopping but:
a. know their wives will kill them if they don't go
b. love them enough to hang out
c. need a nap so badly that they don't care where they get it.
I admire them. For whatever reason, they SEEM patient. Isn't patience a virtue? That's what I've been told....


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