Vocabulary Lessons

I love the things my kids say.

Not only are they brilliant, (of course I'm prejudiced), but they are cute, too.

My son and daughter each got a kitten for Christmas. The kids are madly in love with these little gray kitties, and I often find myself calming them down when they think their kitty is in some kind of danger.

Once, when his kitty was standing on a railing over the stairwell, my son yelled, "Mom! Look at Holly! She's going to fall off and get killed!" I replied, not even looking up, "She'll be fine. She's a cat; cats land on their feet. Besides, cats have nine lives." Son replies, "But then she'll only have eight if she falls off!"

And finally, a few nights ago, I was dreaming of summertime and listening to some Beach Boys tunes. After a few songs, my son said, "Hey mom, after this, can we listen to some Gluie Armstrong? I love Gluie!"

I had to laugh. I love Gluie, too.

What A Wonderful World...



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