Just Some Things I'm Wondering About...
Okay. Short and sweet tonight.
Here are some things I think about. You may not find this interesting at all - and I'm not expecting you to be interested in what I'm wondering about - but these things perplex me.
Okay, I'm not judging. I'm just wondering: Do these things ever make YOU think twice?
*Hypochondria - Is there a cure for it?
*Cute Gynecologists
*Hair Stylists who don't have "good" hair
*Fat "Dance" teachers
*Doctors and Nurses who smoke
*Dry Cleaning store employees wearing wrinkled clothing
*Women with gi-normous breasts who go bra-less
*Parents who let kids play on the playground with lollipops in their mouths
*Why is it that many of the people who volunteer to lead a church congregation in singing hymns at the microphone really can't carry a tune at all? I mean, God Bless 'Em for their volunteerism, but I wonder, how does this happen?
*Who the heck came up with the idea for the kids TV show "Barney" and what in the world were were they thinking?
*People who have the worst breath are the ones most likely to get right in your face and talk at you. (Maybe this is just me, but I never get the "freshly minted breath" people talking in my face).
*The absolutely and completely ridiculous fascination Americans have with stupid blonde women who don't even have talent; they're just "interesting" because they're rich?
*Overweight and dirty white guys with no teeth wearing "Rebel Flag" or "White Power" t-shirts
*Older stories about Disney Princesses - (Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty) - They all came from broken families; they were put under a curse, (in Cinderella's case, she was just hated for being the "pretty one"), they fell "madly in love" and "at first sight" with a "Prince Charming" and were "rescued" by him and "lived happily ever after" as a "married couple" (you are supposed to think that they actually did get married, by the way, in order to make it a "pure" story). And, by the way, according to the fairy tales, all of them were roughly 16 years old when this happened! Interesting, right? That's why they call it a "fantasy" (and, in some states, statutory rape.)
*"Prince Charming" and "Happily Ever After" - come on!
*Did you realize that "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", "Baa Baa Black Sheep", and "The ABC Song" (or "The Alphabet Song") all have the same tune? I didn't until I had kids like, five minutes ago. Yes! It's stunningly true!
*There are really some Psychiatrists who actually aren't nuttier than their patients!
*Where did this saying come from? "Up Sh*t's Creek without a paddle?"
Imagine being in that situation! It had to be significant enough for the person who actually was up Sh*t's Creek without a paddle to have made the story famous enough that now we all know the saying!
*And finally, another saying I hear often - "I feel like hammered whale sh*t." Who came up with that, and have they actually really been "hammered whale sh*t?" If there is such a person, I'd like to meet him/her. Maybe they can tell me how to experience that sensation, because really, most of the time I just feel like "regular" sh*t, and heck, if I'm gonna feel like sh*t, I'd like it to be more of a special "kind" of sh*t than just plain "regular" sh*t.
That's all the wondering I'm doing for today. Thanks for joining me.