Leading with Bread Crumbs

I am too old to stay up all night. That's the truth. I don't have the stamina I once did.
A girlfriend and I stayed up chatting on the phone Thursday night until 3 am; she was late for work that next day because she's my age and can't hang either and couldn't drag her sorry hide out of bed on time.
The next night she came over for "movie night" with her daughter and we stayed up until 4:30 am blabbing. She finally had to sleep over because she didn't have enough oxygen in her blood to drive safely after partnering with this windbag.
Who in the world has THAT MUCH to say that they need to keep talking and talking and talking? 
I guess we do.
So, since we have no filter on our mouths or brains, we stayed up way too late, our kids were sound asleep, and when I finally decided that I might need to put duct tape over my mouth, I hit the hay. (Healthy boundaries and good decision making are not my strengths).
Of course, as soon as I fell asleep, my four-year old woke up and wanted breakfast - OF COURSE.
I haven't done that for a long time, but it was really nice being able to let loose with another single mom and have GabFest 2010. Of course, as a result of our "chat" we solved all our problems, all of the world's problems, and probably all of your problems as well.
As a result, this morning, in a comatose state, I put bread crumbs in the coffee filter  instead of coffee. Really. 
Trust me, bread crumbs don't have the scent that says, "Wake up and face the world!" Imagine how I felt when I put the cup to my mouth and drank that first, long sip!
I felt like a 46 year old who has no business pulling all nighters with little kids in tow. Later, when making Christmas cookies, I put the gingerbread man's head too close to the reindeer's back end on the cookie sheet, and, well, that wasn't a pretty sight when the buzzer went off. Pornographic Christmas cookies are my new specialty. (After some thought, there may really be a market for something like that - am I right? Maybe I'm naive and it's already being done.)
Today I'm grounding myself. Bed no later than 7:30 pm all this week; no TV, no phone-a-friend. The kids can lock up the house. They are beginning to look a lot smarter than their mom.



Nora said…
Mo, you remain one of the few people I can think of that could keep me up late talking. It is sad, how we pay later. And I'll bet you thought the following:
I feel like this, and I didn't drink?
I can't believe I stayed up past midnight and didn't have sex.
And yes - porn cookies are all over the place here in NYC. They are delicious.
Maureen said…
I knew it Nora! Every time I come up with a great idea, someone comes up with it first! Damn!

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