A Day In The Life..
What can I say about a day in my life..Mo has asked me to contribute..I sincerely hope I am up to it..here goes..
When Mo suggested this, I thought, "I can do this". But first I must introduce myself. My name is Dianne..we won't dwell on age, but my three children have reached their 40's..enough said. I live with my two cats (Yellow Kitty & Lizzie) and hubby Steve. Notice that the cats come before my hubby Steve? Might be a Freudian slip..might not. Since my husbands retirement he has come to the conclusion that we don't spend enough time together..Now, in reality, that is not a bad thing..in practice it's a whole new ball game..I feel we are, all of a sudden, connected at the hip. This will make more sense after I tell you about my day.
After deciding I COULD contribute to Mo's blog the ideas came flooding in. I went to bed thinking I would get up early..do the morning stuff..feed cats, clean up hair balls, make coffee..you know, the things everyone does, right? Well, not so fast, nothing goes the way we think it will. I'm at the computer..ready to start..and then it happens..I hear the words that make my blood run cold..my hands shake..my stomach feel like I'm on a funky amusement park ride. It's my husband saying, "Lets clean out that drain in the basement today." Now, I know it needs to be done but it's been 'needing to be done' for two months, WHY TODAY? Why now? It's a waste of time to argue..I've learned that over the years..I know I will get NOTHING done until that job is done so, relunctly, I agree.
To make a VERY long story short, we started at 8:00 AM..quit (you notice I said "quit" not finished?) at 4:30 PM..and yes, before you ask, the Plumber is coming tomorrow..and what do I hear now? He's in the bathroom trying to fix a leaky faucet..NOOOOOOOOOO!!!