Now I Know Why My Daughter "Hates Boobs"

Well, if you ask a question in the right way, a two-and-a-half-year-old will give you the right answer.
This evening, while I was in the process of changing her into her jammies, my daughter Gabby asked me, while pointing at my left  breast under my sweatshirt, "What in dere?" I said again, "Those are my boobs." She said, "Me still no like dem." I said, "But what about them don't you like? Is it because they are saggy, or baggy, or ugly?" She said, "Yea - and ahso, dey not pink. I only wear pink." 
Very simple, very true. She only wears pink - pink pull-ups, pink shoes, pink socks, pink shirts and pink pants. So, when I told this "fact" to my husband; my son, whose ears prick up when he hears the word "boobs"  adds, "Well, mom, of course boobs aren't pink! They're white like your skin! No wonder she doesn't want them."
I didn't dare go into the fact that some nipples are pink; I think that's too much information for me to delve into now in my delicate state of parental "know-nothingness."
Simple, easy, and good enough for me. I guess if you just wait long enough with a kid, you'll get your answer; whether you like it or not. They are nothing if not fountains of interesting information.
Lesson #4706 of life with kids - and I'm only getting started.


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