Walking Around With Egg On My Face...
I've mentioned in previous blogs that I'm under a "wee bit o' stress" of late. First, shingles - a sure sign that life is not exactly a "bed of roses" - and now - zits.
I was lucky as a kid. I had fair skin - freckled - but pretty much "pimple-free." Once I hit puberty, my skin stayed clear most of the time. I'd get one big zit, like most other kids, at the most important times in my life - school picture day, my first school dance, a big date, or prom. It was a given that during "that time of the month," I'd have a zit, or; too much overindulgence of my favorite candy, (Junior Mints), would guarantee me that a horrendous, life-altering pimple would emerge right in the middle of my chin - there for all the world to see. Of course, I was one of those people that HAD TO PICK AT IT and POP it, which would secure that pimple a "zit-life" of at least a week. Ahhh, life as a teen. Truly, I was lucky. I never suffered like some other people I knew in school who had severe acne, and I am very grateful for that little genetic blessing.
Now, at 44, I am suffering from pimples and clogged pores.
When I went to the doctor and had my shingles diagnosed, I told the Medical Assistant (MA), that I was under severe stress. I joked with her that at 44, I am suffering from adult acne; a payback for good skin as a kid? This nice young lady, (roughly 24 years old), told me that she suffered from severe acne in her teens. She explained her suffering and embarrassment at having a problem with pimples during such a horrid time in her life - the high school years. I could see the acne scars, and felt bad complaining now.
Fortunately, this lovely young lady told me that she finally found something that worked for her. It was a skin care regimen she discovered after she became a Medical Assistant. She once worked for a dermatologist, and the dermatologist had recommended a product that might help. Lucky for that MA that the doctor didn't steer her wrong. She was happy and pretty much "zit-free" now.
What I did learn from MA was that zits on the upper part of your face are pretty much hormonal, while zits on your chin are usually stess-induced. This was not good news to me; I had zits all over my chin. Every week. Also, when I looked in the mirror UP CLOSE, I saw that my pores looked as if they were "snowing." I had white stuff sticking out of them. Dreaded "clogged pores" - I had never heard of such a thing! I only knew about zits and blackheads. This white stuff was new to my vocabulary.
My friend, Mrs. Svelte, (from previous blog), told me that her mom, a lovely little Italian lady who I never did have the pleasure of meeting, used to whip up egg whites and put them on her face. "Egg whites?" I said, "Seriously?" "Yes," she said. Mrs. Svelte told me that if I got an egg, separated the white from the yolk, whipped it up and put it on my face, that it would act like a mask and clean my pores right out. It seemed strange to me, because I'd never heard of this before, but I kept it in the back of my mind.
Tonight, I took the challenge.
I went to the kitchen, separated an egg, whipped it up, and brought it into the bathroom. I filled up a hot tub with my favorite soak, "Tired Old Ass Soak" from the Vermont Country Store. (Awesome stuff...try vermontcountrystore.com)
(Thanks, Ell) -
And I loaded the egg white on to my face.
At first it was runny, but I trusted Mrs. Svelte completely. She's never been wrong about things like this.
I slid into the tub. I started my soak.
The egg started to dry on my face. It was working! It does turn into a "mask!"
I lingered for a long time, (as a matter of fact), reading "Time" magazine.
My face tightened up as the egg dried.
I got out of the tub, like, 45 minutes later.
I washed the egg off.
Behold! My face looked cleaner, (of course), and I leaned into the mirror.
Pores clear?
Oh well. Maybe you have to use lots of eggs lots of times, I'm not sure. Mrs. Svelte, my dear, wise skin-consultant, lives on the East Coast, I live on the West. She's fast asleep, so I can't ask her. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see how many eggs I need to use to rid myself of the "snowy" pores I've got.
I know what she'll say, anyway. "Mo, just get rid of your stress, and your face will be fine."
She's right, she's right, I know she's right.
No amount of egg will help me until I help myself.
At least I took the egg risk; I'm not a big risk-taker. See, I'm growing! I'm proud of myself for that.
Eggs Benedict, anyone?