I Just Discovered A New Scientific Phenomenon!
I've also seen comparisons in interesting e-mail forwards of people who also begin to look like their pets. This is even funnier to me (I have never owned a pet that I'd like to look like; although cute and lovable, I'd hate to have my photo put next to that of, say, my shepherd/lab mix. Loved the dog, but would hate to have someone say, "Wow! You look just like your dog! Amazing likeness!" I would NOT consider this a compliment, ever.)
Well, I believe this "look-alike" phenomena exists. The photos I've seen are proof positive that it can (and does) happen.
Now I'd like to unveil a new kind of "look-alike" phenomena I discovered just this evening. I will call it the "I LOOK LIKE MY STATE" phenomena. I know it sounds funny, but I can prove it. (Artist's rendering above will make you a believer).
This evening, I took my usual hot soak in my bath tub. This is how I relax at the end of every day. I do my best thinking in the tub, and after my amazing discovery this evening, I had cause to pull the plug and jump out of that relaxing place as fast as I could. I had to share this scientific discovery with the world RIGHT AWAY! (At least I had to share it with you - my blog "followers" and you other poor folk who accidentally stumbled upon this blog somehow and bothered to read it.)
Trust me, you will all be amazed, as I was.
Above is an artist's rendering (well, not an artist, per se, just MY quick little scribble on scrap paper) of the proof that the "I LOOK LIKE MY STATE" phenomena exists.
I will explain the above drawing in great detail.
Consider that the oval that you see in the above photo, for argument's sake, is the state of Washington.
The two top circles represent Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Rainier, both volcanos located in Washington state.
The smaller oval below the volcanos represents the Cascade mountain range, also located in this state, and the last oval represents the Olympic Mountain range, with the sun shining over it. Of course the Olympic Mountains can be found in Washington state as well.
Here's where the science comes in to play:
This is exactly what I saw this evening, while lying in the bath tub! Yes, the large oval in the photo, which I said is the state of WA, is actually the circle of bath water I see as I lie in the tub.
The volcanos, peeking up above the water, are actually my breasts. (I know they don't look even, but I did say I am not an artist, and heck, whose boobs are actually even?)
Next, the Cascades are actually my first roll of belly fat beneath my breasts that stick out above the bath water, and the Olympics are actually represented by the huge spare tire that is my abdominal fat spare-tire. If you are a follower of this blog, you will already know that my belly-button looks like a child's drawing of the sun, due to the many laparoscopic surgeries I've had in my life time, which conveniently left scar tissue there, in six lines, around my belly button.
I am telling you - aside from being amazed at how much my body DOES look like the state of Washington and it's many scenic places to visit, I was most amazed at how much FLAB sticks out above the tub water now that I'm 44! I was thinking back to younger, leaner years when taking a bath meant that all I saw sticking out of deep tub water was my upper chest area and my toes. Now there isn't a tub that can cover all of me up without leaving a few scenic mountain ranges above the water for all to see. That's the price you pay for gaining weight, being out of shape, and not buying a house with a garden tub.
I'm trying to decide now whether or not I'd rather look like my shepherd/lab mix, or the state of Washington. It might be a toss up. Oh, wait - the shepherd/lab mix has been dead for three years, so I guess I'm stuck with the lovely and scenic state of Washington. I guess I have to be okay with that. It really beats looking like my husband.